learn about our journey
ARISTON is a Central Florida based Building Envelope Consulting Firm, with a regional reach, including the Gulf of Mexico Border states and the Caribbean, specifically concentrated on the Building Envelope. We specialize in quality control during construction, owner’s representation, project management, LEAN Consulting, and Building Envelope Failure Forensics (BEFF), and ensuing litigation as experts.
The firm’s small size means there is laser focus on the client. You’ll never be passed off to someone else.
The Firm’s newly emboldened and traditional focus has been on Building Envelope Failure and ensuing litigation.
There is no greater advocate for getting the work product
correct the first time as the second time costs much, much more.
There are many building types and specific services that are associated with the Building Envelope. Here is where we shine:
Wood is a very hygroscopic material and damage will begin when the wood reaches certain moisture content thresholds. Once the process reaches a certain point, the damage is irreversible.
Our experience has seen wood framing reduced to mulch in as little as 18 months, and that amount of water intrusion occurred because of horrible flashing details that would not allow the bulk water to escape. The lack of sufficient and correct details is not uncommon. Intersecting of dissimilar materials and lack of adequate or correct sealants applied at those intersections and terminations are also common, allowing in that bulk water.
That answer is highly dependent on the design of the property and
the owner’s ability to creatively manage the schedule. Independent buildings are much easier to work around than the newer garden style properties. If the entire structure or structures must be repaired, i.g. exterior skin removal and structural repairs, figure at least a year.
Human failure is responsible for the plurality of envelope failures, over 95%, actually.
Window, balconies, exterior doors, roofs, flashings, and stucco cladding and vertical envelope to horizontal sections (transitions) are the most common water entry points.
Each and every one of the failure points, is easily avoidable, with the proper supervision, training, people and quality control mechanisms which are all well beyond the scope of the architect.
An attorney with specialized knowledge in construction defect litigation, the 558 process in Florida, and preferably a board certified construction attorney, is needed.
That attorney, or someone in the firm, must have experience and knowledge in insurance as well. Specifically, General Contrator’s CGL insurance policies and coverage.